Reclone Resources

This page documents resources associated with the Reclone Community and the Open DNA Collections.
See the Reagents Page for more information on DNA and other biomaterial resources.

The Reclone Community has generated over 20 protocols and a range of guides and resources to help you work with the Open DNA Collections, express enzymes and produce reagents. 

Need more support? Head to the Reclone forum for help with either protocols or to ask a question about the DNA collections. If you identify an issue or have a feature request, submit a github issue here (we are working on a guide for this).

Many members of Reclone are passionate about biotechnology education at all levels: from High School to university to ongoing professional development to informal education.

Our flagship training course is Enzyme Manufacturing Masterclass which is a 3-5 day course covering the basics of DNA assembly and protein expression. There are also flexible resources for standalone practicals.

We have produced reports on the status of local reagent manufacturing in various parts of the world, and the future of sharing open bioresources. We have also published work performed with the open DNA Collections and with the support of the Reclone Community.

If you have a publication to add to the list, please email

Thanks to over 30 community meetings and five Symposia since 2020, the Reclone YouTube channel is now a fantastic resource to hear about projects from all over the world that are leveraging locally produced reagents, finding new ways to address supply chain challenges and developing fascinating fundamental and applied bioscience projects.

Tune in for a truly global view on research and innovation ecosystems for biotechnology.