Reclone Protocols & Support

Need more support?

Head to the Reclone Forum

Identified an Issue?

Report issues with the Open DNA Collections or Reclone resources via github issues

Not sure what to do?

If in doubt, email our friendly community managers, who will point you in the right direction!

Got protocols to share?

Amazing! Let us know via the Forum or email and we will add you to our community.

Reclone Commmunity workspace is our main place to share protocols.

Getting started with the Reclone DNA Collections

If you have just received your DNA and you are not familiar with DNA assembly and/or recombinant protein expression - start here!

Enzyme Expression Guides

The Reclone Community steward a number of open source DNA collections for molecular biology tools and reagents

Customising the Reclone DNA Collections

If you have just received your DNA and you are not familiar with DNA assembly and/or recombinant protein expression - start here!

Distributing the Reclone DNA Collections

If you have just received your DNA and you are not familiar with DNA assembly and/or recombinant protein expression - start here!

Other Reagent Manufacturing

If you have just received your DNA and you are not familiar with DNA assembly and/or recombinant protein expression - start here!