Code of Conduct is a diverse, global community of scientists from across the world seeking to support each other in accessing reagents for research and diagnostics, through sharing and partnership.

We strive to make the community open to everybody, regardless of scholarly or professional background, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, economic background, country of origin or employment, religion, and other differences. Because we come from different backgrounds, it is important to be intentional about providing respectful, equitable spaces for our community to come together and engage in constructive, respectful discourse. is equitable. Equity is different than equality; equality is about treating everyone exactly the same, while equity recognizes that everyone does not start from the same position and so treating everyone the same may leave them in the same uneven positions they began in. For this reason, we are intentional about actively reducing the inequitable barriers that stand between science and those who create, use, and learn from it.This code of conduct applies to all spaces, both online and in person. We take Code of Conduct violations very seriously. Therefore, individuals who violate this Code may affect their ability to participate in, ranging from temporarily being placed into online moderation to, as a last resort, removed from the community. If you have any questions about our commitment to this framework and/or if you are unsure about any aspects of it, email and we will provide clarification.

How It Works

This Code is an effort to maintain a respectful space for everyone and to discuss what might happen if that space is compromised. Please see the guidelines below for community behavior .

We listen.

We begin interactions by acknowledging that we are part of a community with complementary goals. When something has happened and someone is uncomfortable, our first choice is to work through it through discussion. We listen to each other.

  • For active listening, we ask questions first, instead of making statements.
  • We give people time and space to respond.
  • We appropriately adjust our behavior when asked to.
  • We know that repeating hurtful behavior after it has been addressed is disrespectful.
  • We avoid this ourselves and help others identify when they are doing it.

Guidelines for online community behavior

Online modes of interaction involve large numbers of people without the helpful presence of visual cues. Because of this, respectful and self-aware online conduct is especially important and difficult. In addition to the Code, which remains in play in online spaces, our community has created specific guidelines for online interactions. If someone violates these guidelines, someone from the Moderators group will place them into moderation by changing that person’s posting permission on the relevant list or forum, on the website, or both. Our triple notification standard for moderation means a point person from the Moderators group will 1) email the person directly with a brief explanation of what was violated, 2) send a summary email to the rest of the moderators group, 3) if it happened on a public list (vs a website), notify the list that one of our members has been placed into moderation with a brief explanation of what is not tolerated.If you wish to begin the process of getting out of moderation, respond to the email sent to you from

Stay on topic to make long threads easier to follow.Do not send unnecessary one-line responses that effectively “spam” hundreds of people and lower the overall content quality of a conversation. (Exception: expressions of appreciation and encouragement!)
Start a new thread to help others follow along. Important if your response starts to significantly diverge from the original topic.Do not respond with off-topic information, making it hard for the large group of readers to follow along.
Write short and literal subject lines to help the readers of the list manage the volume of communication.Humor and euphemisms in subject lines are easily misunderstood, although enthusiasm is welcome!
Mind your tone. We are not having this conversation in person, so it is all the more important to maintain a tone of respect.Do not write in an aggressive, disrespectful or mocking tone. Note: writing in all caps is regarded as shouting.

How To Report A Problem

If you experience or witness something on our platforms that breaks the code of conduct, you can also email the moderators at or submit an anonymous report via this form. Reporting should never be done via social media.


  • Anyone requested to stop behavior that violates the Code of Conduct is expected to comply immediately, even if they disagree with the request.
  • The moderators may take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the meeting without warning.
  • The moderators reserve the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting.

By posting in our online forum and other sites, you are agreeing to this code of conduct.

This Code of Conduct was created collaboratively and drew from other CoCs, including those by Public LabInternational Congress of Marine Conservation 2016, and TransH4CK.